
"The Biochemic remedies were not selected according to the similarity principle of Homoeopathy. They are chemically pure salts, homogeneous to the cell-mineral human body, physiologically and chemically in close relation to them. By the aid of these minerals disturbed molecular motion in the cells can be rectified, as taken for a certain period, these salts will compensate the losses incurres during a disease. Thus, the cells will cover, and will be able to overcome the disease completely". Schussler at first made use of 12 and later of only 11 mineral substances are mentioned below, since also calcarea sulfuric which Schussler later abandoned, has proved its value as a Therapeutic agent. Calcarea Fluorica (Cale-Fluor.) Calcarea Phosphorica (Cale-Phos.) Ferrum Phosphoricum (Ferr.Phos.) Kalium Muriaticum (Kali. Mur.) Kalium Phosphoricum (Kali. Phos.) Kalium Sulfuricum (Kali. Sulf.) Magnesia Phosphorica (Mag.Phos.) Natrium Muriaticum (Nat. Mur.) Natrium Phosphoricum (Nat. Phos) Natrium Sulfuricium (Nat.Sulf) Silicea Calcarea Sulfurica (Calc.Sulf.)

Except the above 12 basic medicines, there are 28 Nos. combination in Bio-chemistry or Bio-chemic system of medicine, known to us Bio-Plasgen, as noted below:-

1.           Bio-Plasgen                 No. 1          For Anaemia

2.           Bio-Plasgen                 No. 2          For Asthma

3.           Bio-Plasgen                 No. 3          For Colic

4.           Bio-Plasgen                 No. 4          For Constipation

5.           Bio-Plasgen                 No. 5          For Coryza

6.           Bio-Plasgen                 No. 6          For Cough, Cold and Catarrh

7.           Bio-Plasgen                 No. 7          For Diabetes

8.           Bio-Plasgen                 No. 8          For Diarrhoea

9.           Bio-Plasgen                 No. 9          For Dysentry

10.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 10         For Enlarged tonsils

11.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 11         For Fever

12.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 12         For Headache

13.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 13         For Leucorrhoes

14.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 14         For Measles

15.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 15         For Menstruation troubles

16.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 16         For Nervous exhaustion

17.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 17         For Piles

18.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 18         For Pyorrhoes

19.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 19         For Rheumatism

20.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 20         For Skin disease

21.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 21         For Teething troubles

22.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 22         For Scrofula

23.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 23         For Toothache

24.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 24         For Tonic

25.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 25         For Acidity, flatulence and indigestion

26.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 26         For Easy parturition

27.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 27         For Lack of vitality

28.          Bio-Plasgen                No. 28         For General tonic

Mother Tincture’s Complex and Patents Medicine which was passed by the Parliament and Act. has been passé. The name of the Act. is Drug and Cosmetic Acts.1940.

1.   Acidin Complex

2.   Acid Phos Complex

3.   Aconitum Complex

4.   Arnica Complex

5.   Aesculas Complex

6.   Aletaris Complex

7.   Argentum Complex

8.   Baptisia Complex

9.   Baryta Complex

10.   Basilicum Complex

11.   Belladonna Complex

12.   Berberis Complex

13.   Cactus Complex

14.   Caladinum Complex

15.   Calcarea Complex

16.   Cascara Complex

17.   Caulophyllum Complex

18.   Chamomilla Complex

19.   Chloral (H) Complex

20.   China Complex

21.   China-Sulf Complex

22.   Coccculas Complex

23.   Crataegus Complex

24.   Dolichos Complex

25.   Drosera Complex

26.   Ech c Complex

27.   Eupatorium Complex

28.   Euphorbia Complex

29.   Eosinap Complex

30.   Febrol Complex

31.   Filaria Complex

32.   Gelsinium Complex

33.   Glonoine Complex

34.   Heamamelis Complex

35.   Helonia Complex

36.   Hydrocotyle Complex

37.   Hyperic Complex

38.   Ipecue Complex

39.   Infleeco Complex

40.   Jalapa Complex

41.   Kreosotum Complex

42.   Lecithin Complex

43.   Ledum Complex

44.   Merc Bin Complex

45.   Mercurious Complex

46.   Merc Sol Complex

47.   Nux Vomica Complex

48.   Oenanthe Complex

49.   Otitis Complex

50.   Passiflora Complex

51.   Pepsin Complex

52.   Pertussin Complex

53.   Oxytropis Complex

54.   Phytolacca Complex

55.   Plantago Complex

56.   Pneumonia Complex

57.   Pulsatilla Complex

58.   Rhodo Complex

59.   Rhustox Complex

60.   Rosmarini Complex

61.   Sanguinaria Complex

62.   Santonine Complex

63.   Santalum Complex

64.   Selenium Complex

65.   Senega Complex

66.   Septimocin Complex

67.   Skookum Complex

68.   Stannum Complex

69.   Straphanthus Complex

70.   Strychnine Complex

71.   Terebinthena Complex

72.   Thuja Complex

73.   Uranium Nit Complex

74.   Uva-Ursi Complex

75.   Vaccinum Complex

76.   Veratrum Complex

77.   Yerba Santa Complex

78.   Yucca Complex

79.   5 Phos Combination( 6x) Tabs.

80.   Aschin Tabs (20 gr. pot)

81.   Tonicum-115 ml, 360 ml. 450 ml.

82.   For Cough 15 ml. 60 ml. Cough Complex

83.   Dental Complex- for Dental-15ml.

84.   For Diarrhoea- 30 ml. Complex

85.   For Dyspepsia- 30 ml. Complex

86.   For Fever- 30 ml. Complex

87.   For Goitre-15 ml. Complex

88.   For Baby-115 ml. Complex

89.   For Liver-115 ml. Complex

90.   Baby Tonicum- 60 ml. Complex

91.   For Worm Troubles-15 ml. Complex

92.   Antiseptic Powder- Complex

93.   For Females Uterine Disorder-170 ml.

94.   For Whooping Cough-110 ml. Complex

95.   For Deuodonal Ulcer-170 ml. 450 ml. Complex

96.   For Dysentery (Ameobiet Baccillary) 110 ml.

97.   Systemic Alkaliser-170 ml.

98.   Tooth Powder -100 gms.

99.   For Skin- 8 Gr. Tabs

100.   Pain Muscles or Joints-15 gm. Pot mulo

101.   Ointment-15 gms.(External Use)

102.   Complex R 5

103.   Complex R 6

104.   Complex R 7

105.   Complex R 8 & R 9

106.   Complex R 10

107.   Complex R 11

108.   Complex R 12

109.   Complex R 13

110.   Complex R 14

111.   VITA-C 15 Forte Complex

112.   VITA-C 15

113.   Complex R 24

114.   Complex R 25

115.   Complex R 26

116.   Complex R 27

117.   Complex R 28

118.   Complex R 29

119.   Complex R 30

120.   Complex R 31

121.   Complex R 34

122.   Complex R 35

123.   Complex R 36

124.   Complex R 37

125.   Complex R 38

126.   Complex R 65

127.   Complex R 66

128.   Complex R 67

129.   Complex R 68

130.   Complex R 69

131.   Complex R 70

132.   Complex R 71

133.   Complex R 72

134.   Complex R 73

135.   Complex R 74

136.   Complex R 75

137.   Complex R 76

138.   Complex R 77

139.   Complex R 78

140.   Complex R 81

141.   Complex R 82

142.   Complex R 83

143.   Complex R 84

144.   Complex R 85

145.   Complex R 86

146.   Complex R 87

147.   Complex R 88

148.   Complex R 89